L.A. Noire Wiki
L.A. Noire Wiki

Rawling's Bowling Alley is a location in L.A. Noire. According to Rusty Galloway, cops bowl here on Tuesday nights.

Events of L.A. Noire[]

It features in the Homicide case The Studio Secretary Murder. In the case, at this location Cole must chase James Tiernan, who works at the alley, as he attempts to get away.

The alley is also the site of the street crime mission "Bowling Lane Robbery."


  • The bowling alley features some of the more unique character animations in the game as several individuals are shown on the lanes bowling games (scoring a mixture of strikes, gutter balls and other scores).
  • Phelps is on the job in gameplay, thus cannot bowl here, although it is unconfirmed whether he does off-screen.